(By Mrs. Joseph Greene)
Originally printed 1907
The history of the Catholic Church
in the Niagara peninsula began many years before the erection
of the present edifice known as St. Vincent de Paul's Church
(it was the first Catholic Church erected on the Niagara Peninsula)
and to record that history, in a manner which would do it justice,
even in a moderate degree, would require the pen of one infinitely
more gifted than the writer, for there is a wealth of historic
lore, both civil and religious, surrounding this charming and
picturesque old town of Niagara. Its religious history may be
said to date from the year 1626, when Father Daillon made his
way to the Niagara Peninsula with a view of evangelizing the
"Neutrals," which tribe claimed the peninsula as its
own. Few pens can adequately portray the apparently insurmountable
difficulties which the early pioneer priests of western Canada
had to encounter and overcome, the incalculable dangers and obstacles
which were continuously besetting them as they journeyed through
dense and desolate forests, across fallen timbers and swollen
streams with nothing to guide them other than a 'blaze' which
intimated to the weary traveler that a settlement lay beyond.
Nevertheless, we invariably find, that no difficulties daunted
them nor did disappointments nor rebuffs discourage them, and,
as a result of this untiring zeal, we are now, in our comfortable
churches, reaping the fruits of their almost superhuman exertions.
As previously stated, Father Daillon
bent his energies to the lofty task of sowing the seeds of Christianity
among those godless savages, but with poor success, in fact they
would have meted out to him a terrible death but for the intervention
of heir Chief, Soharrisen.
About 1636 Father Brebeuf, that heroic
missionary and martyr, visited the same tribe, living on the
same food as they used, sleeping in their wigwams, continually
exposed to torture and death by an unreliable and merciless foe,
risking everything in the hope of saving immortal souls.
It is not my intention, however, to again rehearse the well known
historic facts concerning the horrible tortures and oft times
martyrdom's, which the early Catholic Priests received at the
hands of those savages, while endeavoring to spread among them
the light of Christianity.
In 1669 Father Galinee with two companions passed through Niagara
on his way to the West. This illustrious Sulpician priest has
furnished us with much valuable narrative concerning his missionary
labors during his explorations of the great lakes. As far as
can be ascertained no other missionary visited Niagara until
1678, when Father Hennepin, a Franciscan missionary of historic
fame, offered up mass on the banks of the Niagara River. We are
also indebted to this intrepid missionary for the first intelligent
description of that sublime wonder of nature, the Falls of Niagara.
We are informed by Father Charlevoix,
the Jesuit historian, that he said mass at Fort Niagara in 1721
on his way to the Mississippi, and there is a record of a Recollect,
Father Grespel, as having been Chaplain at the Fort in 1733.
Father Picquett, a Sulpician, in 1751 travelled over the Niagara
Peninsula, instructing and converting the natives and instilling
renewed ardor and faith into the converts of earlier days, and
according to his own account, he also said mass at the Chapel
at Fort Niagara; and Sir Win. Johnson tells that two British
officers were buried under the Chapel in 1759, but no trace of
it remains.
In 1794 Father Edmund Burke, an Irish
Priest, of the diocese of Quebec, believing that there was pressing
need for a missionary priest in the Western part of the Province,
sought and obtained permission to embark on that laudable undertaking.
He came from Quebec to Niagara and in addition to his labors
among the Indians acted as Chaplain to the Catholic soldiers
who were stationed here at the time. Having been held in high
repute by the officials of the Government, he secured grants
of land from Governor Simcoe in different parts of Canada, one
being in this vicinity on which he proposed erecting a monastery
for the education of priests for the Western Mission, and in
order to further this object he again journeyed to Quebec, but
returned here in 1798. He eventually left here in 1800 on account
of ill health. For one who had been a Professor in the University
of Paris and surrounded with all the culture and refinement incidental
to such a position, it must have been extremely repugnant to
reconcile himself to his savage surroundings and apply himself
to the uninteresting task of mastering the Indian tongue. He
was consecrated Bishop of Halifax in 1818. He was an intimate
friend of the Duke of Kent and was known and admired by all the
Military and Naval Officers who commanded in British America
at the time. He was of commanding appearance, of a cheerful and
engaging manner and Great Britain had no more loyal subject than
the Right Rev. Edmund Burke.
In 1802 Father Des Jardins succeeded
Father Burke as Chaplain to the soldiers, but he remained only
a short time and left no parish records. This information appears
in an article written by the late D. A. O'Sullivan and published
in the Toronto Jubilee volume, 1892.
In 1816 a few Catholic families resided in Niagara and along
the banks of the Niagara River, who were visited at intervals
by Priests from Glengarry and other points.
These conditions continued until 1826 when Father James Campion
was placed in charge of the mission here by Bishop Macdonell
who had been chosen Vicar Apostolic of Upper Canada by Pius VII
in 1819 and was made titular Bishop in 1820 A short sketch of
Bishop Macdonell may not be found uninteresting. He was born
17th July, 1762 in Invernessshire, Scotland, and educated in
the Scotch College of Paris and Valledolid in Spain. He was ordained
on the 16th Feb., 1787, and spent five years in Scotland. He
accompanied the Highland Regiment of Glengarry Fencibles, who
were all Catholics, to Ireland in 1798, having been appointed
their Chaplain. When the regiment was disbanded four years later,
Father Macdonell, embarked for Canada in 1803, having previously
secured a grant of land for every officer and soldier who wished
to accompany him to Canada and I may add he was accompanied by
the greater part of his men. When they arrived here Lieut.-Governor
Hunter endorsed their patents 0' land and they settled in Glengarry.
When Father Macdonell came to this
country in 1803 there were only three Catholic Churches in the
whole Province, through his perseverance and energy he succeeded
in having thirty-five built during his thirty years of unceasing
labor. There were also twenty-two priests throughout the different
parts of the Province, most of whom were educated at his expense.
He was created first Bishop of Kingston in 1826. It was a favorite
saying of his "that every man of his name should be either
a priest or a soldier." Apropos of this, at the breaking
out of the war of 1812, among the first to take up arms in defence
of his country was Lieut.-Colonel John Macdonell, who was Attorney-General
for Upper Canada, being only 24 years of age. General Brock appointed
him his Provincial Aide-de-camp and at the battle of Queenston
Heights, when the heroic Brock fell mortally wounded, Colonel
Macdonell assumed command, but while leading his men up the heights,
he also fell.
Those two great men were buried in
the same spot at Fort George, where the bodies lay for twelve
years. Their remains now rest in the sarcophagus in a monument
second to none in America, erected on Queenston Heights by a
grateful Canadian people. The following is a quotation from a
letter, written by one of the Militia who took part in the battle
dated 14th Oct. 1812.
"This heroic young man, the constant
attendant of the General, strove to support to the last a cause
never to be despaired of, because it involved the salvation 6f
the Country." Lieut.-Colonel Macdonell was a practical Catholic,
as evidenced, by his approaching the sacrament before leaving
for the frontier.
When Father Campion had this mission
assigned to him in 1826 there were only three priests to look
after the needs of the Catholics scattered over 225 miles of
territory between Detroit and Niagara and the whole northwestern
part of Ontario, viz Fathers Fluet, Crevier and Campion. Father
Campion had also to attend Dundas once a month, which is about
50 miles distant from here, and London and St. Thomas twice a
year. When this good priest's presence was required at a death
bed he had not infrequently to travel over one or even two hundred
miles, and when one remembers that the greater part of the land
at that times was a dismal wilderness, with but an occasional
settlement, one can in a slight degree appreciate the hardships
Father Campion had to encounter. At the present writing we have
residing among us an old lady (Mrs. Paynter, born in 1819, whose
recollections of the pioneer days are very entertaining. She
remembers Father Campion very well, he having frequently visited
her father's house (Simon Walsh) where he was always a welcome
guest. Patrick McArdle and John Harris also took an active interest
in the welfare of the mission and were the first to greet Father
Campion on his arrival here. Patrick McArdle came to Niagara
in 1816. He was an Irishman and a staunch Catholic, John Harris
was an Englishman, his ancestors having settled
England shortly after the Norman Conquest. He came to Niagara
in 1818.
The first entry in the old Niagara
Register in the hand writing of Father Campion, reads as follows
the first day of June, by me Roman Catholic Missionary for Niagara,
Dundas, etc., has been baptized Mary Ann Hughes, born on the
2nd day of January, 1827, of the lawful marriage of James Hughes
and Mary May."
W. Campion,
Here is another entry in the old Register
"The 12th August, 1827 By the Right Rev. Alex Macdonell
has been baptized Mary Harris, born the 11th July, 1827, of the
lawful marriage of John Harris and Margaret Grey, who is not
a Roman Catholic, the sponsors being Patrick McArdle and Mary
Fegan, also McArdle, .R. Ep"
The following is an extract from the
same register of a marriage, which shows how careful and conscientious
the early Catholic Priests were to guard the sanctity of the
marriage tie. "The 8th day of October, 1827 Cornelius Calahan
and Mary Carroll both from Ireland, having solemnly declared
and given a certificate of their not being married or contracted
before with any person, and not being able to discover any impediment
to prevent them from getting married, I, the undersigned Roman
Catholic Missionary for Niagara, Dundas, etc., etc., have received
their mutual consent of marriage and have given the benediction
according to the rules of the Holy Roinan Catholic church in
presence of Patrick Cullen, Patrick Handy, Andrew Boylan, Patrick
Flynn and Mary Kelley."
Jas. W. Campion,
Father Campion remained in charge of
the Niagara Mission until 1830, when he was recalled by Bishop
Macdonell to Kingston to act in the capacity of his Secretary.
He died in 1841.
At the date Father Campion was removed,
the Catholics had no church, no church property of any kind,
not excepting a graveyard, and their dead were buried in St.
Mark's Episcopal Cemetery. Services were held at one time in
a hall over the brick store on Queen St. now occupied by Mr.
Doyle, at another time, in the house now owned and occupied by
Miss Catholine. At that period it was one large room but was
apparently of sufficient capacity to embrace the congregation
that gathered there to be present at the celebration of the Mass.
Services were also occasionally held in the brick cottage, which
is part of the Western Home estate. It was occupied by Mrs. Stevenson,
a zealous Catholic lady, who with her daughters promoted the
interests of religion materially by teaching Sunday School and
instructing the children in the knowledge of their belief. Mrs.
Richards of Pembroke (nee Allinson) is her granddaughter. No
record can be found as to the number of Catholics in Niagara
in 1830 when Father CampiQn was removed, j)ut as near as can
be ascertained, there were about three dozen families represented
at the services, exclusive of soldiers. Father Campion recorded
64 Baptisms, 6 professions of faith 17 marriages and 6 burials
during his pastorate of three years, some of the children baptized
however were brought here from New York State.
The priest appointed to succeed Father Campion was Father Cullen,
who, noting the great need the Catholics had for a church here,
and concluding there was a sufficient number to warrant the undertaking,
he therefore on the 3rd of April, 1831, called a meeting whereat
it was resolved to open a subscription list for the purpose of
erecting a church. The following is a copy of the minutes of
said meeting.
"At a meeting of the Catholic inhabitants
of Niagara held on Easter Sunday, the 3rd day of April, 1831,
Daniel MacDougal, Esquire, was called to the chair and George
Macan was requested to act as secretary, after which the following
resqlutions were unanimously agreed on.
1st Resolution That the Glory of God, the honor of religion and
the wants of the Catholics of this place require that a Catholic
church be erected in this town.
2nd ResolutionThat the Rev. John Cullin, our pastor, Daniel McDougal
and George Macan are hereby nominated and appointed to procure
the subscription of every well disposed person, who is willing
to contribute towards the erecting of a Catholic Church in Niagara.
3rd Resolution That John Harris, H. McNally, J. B. Cootby and
Andrew B9ylan are hereby appointed collectors of subscriptions
for the Catholic Church of Niagara.
4th Resolution That Daniel McDougal is hereby nominated Treasurer,
and George Macan, Secretary, to the Roman Catholics of Niagara,
and the collectors above named in the 3rd resolution are required
to pay in the monies collected by them to the treasurer and he
is to give his receipt for the different sums received, which
receipts the said collectors are to place in the hands of the
secretary immediately after obtaining said receipts.
5th Resolution That it is expedient to form a committee of management
consisting of five of the resident inhabitants of this place,
any three of whom will form a quorum, who shall manage, superintend
and transact all the temporal affairs appertaining or in any
wise belonging towards the erecting of said church, and the Rev.
J. Cullen (or the resident priest being incumbent of this place)
Daniel McDougal, Geo. Macan, John Harris and Michael Morley be
and are hereby constituted and appointed to be the said committee
of management.
6th Resolution That the treasurer give an accurate account of
the monies or other funds put into his hands at every meeting
of the committee of management, if required to do so by them,
and that the secretary give a statement of the affairs of the
church on the Easter Monday of every succeeding year at a general
meeting of subscribers to be called together in the church on
that day and that the treasurer is hereby prohibited from paying
out any of the funds of the church without a written order from
the secretary, countersigned by two others of the committee of
7th Resolution That the persons now nominated and accepting office
are required to hold the same for one year only, but are eligible
to be reelected as often as is expedient and that the said committee
of management have power to fill up any vacancies in their number
which may happen by death or change of residence during their
year in office.
8th Resolution That the thanks of the Catholic inhabitants of
this place are due and hereby given to our worthy pastor, the
Rev. J. Cullen, for his laudable exertion in commencing the subscription
of this morning for the purpose of erecting said church."
The following year viz. 1832, the
church was begun; Bishop Macdonell, who was conspicuous not only
in the ecclesiastical, but also the political life of the country,
having secured a grant of four acres of land from the government
on which it was erected. It is a frame building measuring 60
x 40 ft., with ten large Gothic windows of stained glass and
a commodious sanctuary and vestry. There is also a tower with
a large window surmounted by a steeple 50 ft. high and a cross.
The interior arrangements of the edifice consist of three aisles
with two central and two side rows of pews. There are two galleries,
the cost of those having been entirely assumed by the Catholic
soldiers, who were stationed here at the time, and for whom one
of the galleries ';was reserved. There are three altars daintily
finished in white and gold. Those are not the original altars,
they having been discarded at the time the church was repaired.
The altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the left of the main
altar was a gift from the Barron family, and St. Joseph's Altar
to the right of the main altar was presented by Mrs. Newton,
daughter of Col. McDougal, mentioned as having been President
of the first meeting held in 1831.
The church was completed in 1834, and Bishop MacDonell, on the
9th of Nov. of that year, came over to Niagara and blessed it,
giving it the name of "St. Vincent de Paul", and celebrated
the first mass therein. There is an entry in the register that
the first communicants were "Miss Dixon and Mrs. Duff."
At the rear of the church is the cemetery in which at least two
headstones are still standing with the year 1832 legible, but
the names are undecipherable.
Father Polin succeeded Father Cullen,
but remained only a short time. During his tenure of office here
he records ten baptisms and one marriage, one baptism having
been performed in "Gravelly Bay", now Port Colborne,
thirty miles from here.
Father Edward Gordon succeeded Father
Polin in 1834 and completed the erection of the church and at
once took the necessary steps for the erection of a Presbytery.
A meeting was called and a subscription list opened in 1835.
One Lieut. Coleman of the 15th regiment was appointed to collect
among the soldiers here and in Toronto. He also appears to have
collected from a number of the prominent Protestant citizens
and business people of the town and of Toronto. Here are a few
of the names that appear on his list "Mrs. Lyons, Messrs.
Stocking & Grier, Robert Dickson, E. C. Campbell, James Lockhart,
W. B. Winterbottom, etc., belonging to the town. On the Toronto
list some of the names are: the Hon. Mr. Elmsley, Capt. Coleman,
Hugh Dougherty, J. Shaughnessy, etc. The Presbytery or "Glebe
House," according to the records cost £253 14s 11
12d but the amount collected up to the year 1840 was only £50,
and Father Gordon then paid the balance due from his own private
On the 13th Sept., 1834, Bishop Gaulin,
coadjuter of Bishop MacDonell, admimstered the sacrament of Confirmation,
this being the first time it was administered in the mission
east of Sandwich. There were five males and six females confirmed
at that time, ranging in ages from 13 to 23 years.
Beginning with the pastorate of Father Gordon' the Niagara Mission
appears to have flourished. Some of the more distant places were
detached from the mission viz. Dundas, St. Thomas, and London
but the pastor had still a large circuit to travers'e viz Niagara
Falls, Port Colborne, St. Johns, Smithville, St. Catharines,
Toronto Gore and Adjala.
At a meeting held at the chapel on
the. 20th of April, 1835, (Easter Monday) the office of Church
Warden was established, and Messrs. Hugh McNally and William
Harris were appointed for that year, at the same meeting Mr.
John Lyons was appointed to act as secretary and treasurer during
the same term and Rev. Edwaiard Gordon, Messrs. John Harris,
and Thos. Heenan were appointed collectors of subscriptions for.the
finishing of the church and Mr. Farrell was appointed to collect
"for the country" Father Gordon left a record of the
total Catholic population for a thousand square miles viz. 817
The first entry in the Baptismal Register by Father Gordon was
made on the 27th April, 1834, as follows: "April 27th was
baptized by me the, undersigned priest, John, aged four weeks,
son of William Kay and Elizabeth Shean. Sponsors, Edward McCann
and Margaret O'Connor.
Father Gordon kept a very careful record
of the baptisms, confirmations, marriages, professions of faith
and burials, with occasional explanatory notes. For instance,
opposite the entry of the baptism of James Morreau the following
note appears: "This man was sentenced to death for participating
in the rebellion. He led the insurgents at the "Short Hills".
He was 23 years of age and was received into the church in jail,
29th July, and was executed 30th July, 1838."
Among the burials of 1843 is an entry
of a young priest, 26 years old, who died suddenly at the Falls
while visiting relatives there, and is buried under the main
altar of the church here, at the funeral were "Rev. Mr Mullen,
Mr.Charest and Mr. McIntosh.
In the old register, Father Harold
discovered a petition from the congregation of St. Vincent de
Paul Church, Niagara, asking Bishop Power to give the "necessary
power and in. structions to have the stations of the cross erected
in order that we and a1.l who are disposed may have an opportunity
of receiving the many spiritual advantages to be 6btained by
devout prayer and meditation on Christ's passion" and your
Petitioners as in duty will ever pray, etc."
John McHenry, David Langan, Mich. McGuire, Ed. Gordon, Pt. for
the rest of the congregation."
The document bears the date '9th Dec.,
1844,' and is written on a full sheet of foolscap. The petition
is on one side, the reply, granting the petition on page 2, a
declaration by the pastor, that he has this' day erected, etc.,
in the presence of the "undersigned witnesses" no names
are inscribed, however, and on page 4 is the Bishop's name in
full, with the words "favored by Rev. M. P. McDonough"
in one corner. The Bishop's letter, sealed with red wax, is countersigned
by J. J. Hay, Sec., and recites that he has authority from a
decree of Gregory XIII to delegate any priest to erect the "Via
Crucis" and hereby delegates etc." The letter is given
at Toronto, 13th Dec., 1844.
The priest's declaration shows that
the Stations were erected on the 5th February, Ash Wednesday.
A copy of II this declaration also exists in the archives, made
out by Father
Gordon, in obedience to the Bishop's orders to do so.
In 1844 Father Gordon called a meeting of the Catholic congregation
in order to raise funds for the liquidation of the debt incurred
for the painting, plastering, etc., of the Catholic Church. At
that meeting it was unanimously agreed that each man would pay
the sum of two shillings and sixpence. Among the names on the
list who paid the sum stipulated appear the following: Alex.
Lane, Hugh McNally, Daniel McDougal, Patrick Lawless, Mrs. Carpenter,
Michael Morley, Mrs. Mary Stevenson, Thomas Daly, Richard Ryan,
Nicholas Wall, Patrick Maddigan, Michael Maguire, Margaret Healey,
Mrs. Hewitt, Mrs. Hall, Martin Kearns William Waish, Edward Scully,
Win. Primace. Sergeant Murphy (King's Dragoon Guards) Bernard
R9ddy, Rev. John Carroll, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Todd, John O'Donnell,
Mrs. L. Donnelly, Maria MeArdle, Patrick Mahar, Charles Toel,
Alex. Davidson, E. Power, (Kings Dragoon Guards), Mrs. Duff,
Annie McKenna, Catharine Doyle, etc.
Father Gordon was most thorough and conscientious in all his
undertakings. He built churches at Niagara, Niagara Falls, Trafalgar,
Toronto Gore, and Adjala. He was very practical and carefully
looked after the spiritual welfare of his flock, as evidenced
by the following correspondence in which he insists on Col. Kingrinill
allowing the Catholic soldiers stationed here at the time, to
attend mass, as there was a number of Catholic noncommissioned
officers and privates who were not permitted to be present at
the morning services, the Colonel claiming that the regimental
doctor made his examination at that particular time.
Letter from Father Gordon to Colonel Kingsmill, dated "Saturday
morning, April 13th, 1839."
"Sir regret to find that the Catholic
soldiers of your regiment do not attend Divine service on the
Sunday mornings. They have not been in the church on the forenoon
of Sunday but once since the time I first had the honor to speak
to you in their behalf. Divine Service commences on Sunday mornings
at eleven o'clock, precisely, at which hour you will have the
kindness to allow them in future to attend.
I have the honor to be sir, etc.,
Gordon, Catholic Pastor of Niagara.
The soldiers were permitted to attend
mass for a few Sundays after dispatching the above letter, when
they again failed to be present, and on inquiry; Father Gordon
learned the Colonel had again prevented them. Another lengthy
letter of explanation was sent by the priest to the colonel in
which he states, "All Catholics are obliged in conscience
to give their attendance during the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass which is always offered up to God only in the forenoon."
No attention being paid to his repeated requests; Father Gordon
then laid the matte? before the major General, commanding the
forces in Canada, who immediately commanded Col. Kingsmill to
permit his Catholic soldiers to' attend Divine Service at the
hour named by their chaplain.
Father Gordon was removed to Hamilton
in 1846 and was elevated to the dignity of Vicar General. He
died at the Episcopal residence, Hamilton in 1870.
The next in succession was Father
John Carroll who remained in charge of this mission until about
1855. He accepted a chaplaincy in Chicago, where he died in 1891,
having reached the venerable age of 93 years. He was a generous
subscriber towards the building fund of the church, as his name
frequently appears on the different lists for a substantial sum.
He was a distant relation of the Carrolls, of Carrollton, one
of whom signed the Declaration of Independence, he was also a
nephew of Rev. Edmund Burke, mentioned earlier in this article.
Fathers Leveque, Cullen, Boyle, Musard
and Wardy each remained but a short term here, and thus we arrive
at the year 1857, when Father Mulligan assumed the charge of
Niagara Parish. While here he worked most zealously, being an
ardent advocate for the cause of temperance, he also had three
sister of St. Joseph's Order, installed as teachers in the Separate
School in 1857. This school was built on a corner of the church
property about 1842, as we are informed by a resident of the
town that he went to school there in 1843, and there was a meeting
held in it in 1844 to consider the matter of putting pews in
the church. The school was in a flourishing condition for a number
of years and many excellent scholars received their early training
within its walls. Father
John Kennedy had been one of its pupils. This promising young
priest was drowned near Penetanguishene.
This school was eventually closed in 1876 owing t& the depletion
of the Catholic congregation.
Father Mulligan was removed from here in 1862 and was given the
charge of Niagara Falls Parish in which place he remained for
several years. In 1866 he was inducted as pastor of St. Catharines
and Dean of the Niagara Peninsula. He labored in that parish
for about nineteen years with untiring zeal, but in 1884 his
health had become so impaired that his physician advised a sea
voyage, which suggestion was immediately acted upon and he went
to Ireland, where his aged mother still lived. He never rallied
sufficiently to return, but died in the land of his birth, in
the arms of his mother.
Father James Hobin was next in succession.
This reserved but pious priest was endowed with great mental
gifts, being considered one of the best theologians of his day.
He was very ready to assist the needy and distressed in a practical
as well as a spiritual manner. He was succeeded by Father T.
J. Sullivan in 1868 who only remained about a year. During his
short pastorate here he began the refurnishing of the Presbytery
and Sanctuary. He was removed to Thorold in 1869 and installed
there as pastor where he still remains one of Thorold's most
prominent figures, laboring with his wonted energy for the salvation
of souls.
.Father Kelly was next appointed in
1869. He purchased a small pipe organ for the church, but it
was so badly damaged during a severe thunderstorm when the lightning
struck the church that it became practically useless. It was
replaced by a smaller' organ which was presented to the church
by the late Mr. Joseph Petley.
Rev. Dean Harris in his history of "the Catholic Church
in the Niagara Peninsula" relates to an amusing incident
which occurred during Father Gordon's periodical visit at Toronto
Gore. A young man named Sweeney desired to have his child baptized.
When asked by the priest the name he wished to give the child,
the young man replied, "Vanus your Reverence . What! said
Father Gordon. "Why you rascal, I'll never give a Catholic
child the name of a heathen goddess." "Well, your reverence,"
replied Sweeney, "that's my father's name." "Nonsense,
man, replied the priest, no Catholic priest, particularly an
Irish one, would give her name to any child, male or female,
so go and get your father before a drop of water goes on the
head of this helpless infant. When the father entered, the priest
asked him, "What's your baptismal name, Sweeney". "Vanus,
yer reverence," replied the man. "Why my good man,
surely you never got that name at baptism?" "No Sir,"
answered Sweeney,. "I was baptized Sylvanus, but the neighbors
always call me Vanus for short."
Father Laboureau succeeded Father
Kelly in 1871. He was highly educated and a good musician. He
had a marked individuality and wielded a great influence for
good among his parishioners. He made a number of necessary improvements
around the church property, but was taken from here in 1872 and
given the charge of the parish at Penetanguishene, where he still
remains. He has had erected at Penetanguishene a magnificent
memorial church to the early Jesuit martyrs which will be a lasting
monument to commemorate their heroic deeds and glorious martyrdom
and will also bear testimony to the energy and zeal of its founder.
Father Berrigan, appointed in 1872, remained in charge until
1874. He was a strict disciplinarian and took a deep interest
in the education of the children, carefully looking after their
material as well as spiritual welfare. He died in 1904.
Fathers A. J. 0' Reilly (1874-1876)
P. J. Kierman (1876-1878) and E. F. Gallagher (187-1879) followed
in succession. Those devoted priests 'neglected no opportunity
of adding to the "treasure store of piety" and religious
fervor, which is the strength' and glory of a. parish. Father
P. J. Harold next assumed the charge of the parish in 1879 and
remained until 1882, when he was temporarily succeeded by Rev.
A. M. Murphy, O.C.C., a priest of the Carmehte Order. In 1884
Father Harold again took charge, remaining here until 1888,'
when Father T. M. Shanahan was appointed pastor. This talented
young priest was soon obliged to resign his parochial duties
and leave Niagara on account of ill health, bearing with him
the affection and regret of the parishioners. He died shortly
after his departure from here and his early death caused a heartfelt
In 1890 Father Harold was a third
time appointed pastor of this mission. He found the church and
Presbytery in urgent need of repairs and being very energetic
and exceedingly resourceful as to ways and means, he at once
set to work to make the necessary improvements. The church was
so thoroughly renovated from foundation to cross, that it will,
we trust, weather a few more decades. The Presbytery or "Glebe
House" was sold and removed from the premises, under Father
Harold's supervision, and was replaced by a much larger and more
commodious structure, which contains all the modern improvements,
including furnace, electric light, etc. Those very necessary
changes and repairs were made with very moderate expense to the
Father Harold possessed the gift of
imparting knowledge in a remarkable degree and being a lover
of children, he made them his special care, "and in teaching
them the way to live, he taught them how to die." He was
an accomplished classical scholar and gifted with great literary
ability. He wrote a very interesting Historic Romance of the
First Century, "Irene of Corinth," the contents of
which are both fascinating and instructive.
Being a practical musician, the choir, which was in a lethargic
condition, also came in for a large share of his attention and
time. The late Father Brennan, who was also a lover of sacred
music, devoted much of his spare time to the choir and presented
it with a number of pieces of valuable music.
The earliest choir consisted of members belonging to the band
of the regiments stationed at Niagara, and later it was conducted
by Sergeant Charles Conroy, who, at present, resides in Ottawa,
but who' will no doubt be remembered by many residents of the
town, for being an ardent admirer of the old town, he never forgets
to pay it an occasional friendly visit.
A small melodeon was presented to
the church by a friend and Mrs. Newton (nee McDougal) took charge
of this and directed the choir for years with the assistance
of Mr. Conroy, with great success Miss Allinson (now Mrs. Richards
) on the resignation of Mrs. Newton, then took charge of the
choir, being a mere child at the time, and with the most untiring
devotion and fidelity she played the organ, taught and directed
the choir for years. Needless to say her success was remarkable.
She also devoted much of her time to the instruction of the children
in her class in Sunday School, and she did not relinquish her
self-imposed but extremely praiseworthy tasks until a short time
before her marriage. She organized a large Choral Society which
was composed of members of all denominations. Several very successful
concerts were given by this society, the proceeds from some of
them being given for the benefit of the Public Library, in which
institution she was much interested. It is often said, there
is no one who cannot be done without. This no doubt is true,
but Mrs. Richards was one of the few who left a very large niche
to be filled in the hearts of the congregation of St. Vincent
de Paul, and not alone in the Catholic congregation, for her
departure wo sincerely regretted by all lovers of music, irrespective
of creed.
After Mrs. Richard's departure, the
following ladies took charge of the organ and choir for a short
time Miss Muirphy (now Mrs. Mooney) Mrs. Lamb, Miss McF'aul and
Miss Robinson. Miss Walsh then took the choir and presided as
organist for several years with much ability and success. Her
strength not being sufficient to sustain the strain which the
duties entailed, she eventually resigned the position. Mr. Mulholland
is the present organist and director of the choir, which position
he has held for over six years with admirable executive ability
and characteristic modesty. It may be stated here that in no
instance, has any of the organists or members of the choir received
any recompense for their services other than perhaps a limited
quantity of judicious praise, tempered with healthy criticism.
In .1894 Rev. Father Harold took his
departure from here and was succeeded by Father Jno. J. Lynch
in the same year. Energetic, zealous and scholarly, Father Lynch,
apparently, had every prospect of many years of splendid opportunity
before him to labor for the salvation of souls, but our Lord
had willed otherwise. During his short sojourn here he was respected
and beloved by his parishioners, not only because of his devotion
to duty, his compassion for the sick and poor, without respect
to race or creed, but also because of the affectionate warmth
of his heart, his never failing courtesy and interesting personality.
He had so endeared himself to all both Catholic and Protestant,
as "never to estrange a friend or create an enemy."
"He was of youth the guardian and 'of all, the friend."
His life was closed in the morning of his priesthood, on the
9th of Sept., 1897.. He was buried in St. Vincent de Paul's Cemetery,
where a monument was erected to his memory by his parishioners
bearing the following inscription "We hold his name in benediction...."
"To the
memory of Rev. Father Lynch, who for three years was pastor of
this parish. He died Sept. 9th, 1897, in the 34th year of his
age and the 10th of his priesthood. Eternal rest give to him
Oh! Lord."
After the death of Father Lynch in 1897 the Carmelite Fathers
were requested to take charge of the parish, by Archbishop Walsh,
and Father A. M. Murphy, O.C.C. again officiated here, until
1899, when he was removed and Father A. D. Brennan assumed the
charge. His term in office was only temporary, for being a highly
educated man, he was transferred to Chicago, where he filled
the duties of Professor of Theology in the Carmelite College
there. Shortly after going there his health failed him and he
was obliged to return to the Hospice at Niagara Falls. He died
in 1903, "He needs no tears who lived a noble life,"
Father Murphy returned here after Father Brennan was removed
and continued to officiate until 1902, when Father D. F. O'Malley
took charge, Father Murphy having been selected to fill the position
of Prior of the Carmelite College at Chicago. Father O'Malley,
being a very eloquent speaker, was removed from Niagara after
a short stay here and was succeeded by Father Murphy, this being
the fourth time the Niagara Parish was committed to his care.
Father Murphy was heartily welcomed by his parishioners on each
occasion of his return, as he had endeared himself to all by
his unobtrusive virtues and simplicity of manner, never sparing
himself where duty called him, but in every instance yielding
his services unstintingly on behalf of his flock. He was removed
from here. in 1904, when Archbishop O'Connor received the parish
back from the Carmelite Order and once more placed a secular
priest in charge, viz: Rev. Father McEachern, who is the present
The Presbytery has just now been thoroughly
refitted and partly refurnished, owing to the laudable enterprise
and energy on the part of several of the ladies and gentlemen
'of the, parish. The congregation generously contributed the
requisite funds and as a result, the presbytery presents a very
pleasing and comfortable appearance.
This sketch would be incomplete were
we to omit the names of Such generous unselfish supporters of
the church as Messrs. Peter Clarke, George Greene, Patrick Healey
and James Doyle, who, with others, deserve niore than passing
mention herein, would space permit. Suffice it to say they will
live in affectionate remembrance in the hearts of the people
of the parish. With the exception of Mr. Clarke, who returned
to Ireland after the death of his wife, and eventually died there,
they are resting peacefully in the little cemetery of St. Vincent
de Paul in the rear of the church. In the cemetery also repose
many of the pioneer residents of the early church, notably Mrs.
Stevenson, who is mentioned in the old Niagara Gleaner, 1832,
as performing a work of mercy by sending comforts to .the prisoners.
In the McDougal family plot is the grave of Colonel McDougall,
whose name appears as chairman on the original Set of Resolutions
drawn up in 1831, previous to the erection of the church. When
Bishop McDonell came to Niagara to consecrate, the church, he
was entertained at Colonel McDougall's. Adjacent to the McDougall
plot is a sarcophagus in which lie the remains of John Lyons,
registrar for many years. His name appears on the records of
a meeting held on Easter Monday, 1835, as Secty. Treasurer for
that year. There is a tablet erected in the church with the following
inscription "To the memory of Lieut. Adj't. Reginald McDonnell,
Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment, who died at Niagara, C.W., on
the 20th Dec. 1851, aged 39 years.. This tablet is erected by
his brother officers as a testimony of regard." His remains
are interred in the graveyard and a stone with a similar inscription
marks the spot. Hundreds of other dear departed friends rest
in our little graveyard, in fact it would be difficult to find
one in the parish who has not some beloved relative resting there.
"And with the morn those angel faces smile, which we have
loved and lost ere yet awhile."
In collecting the facts contained
in this sketch, I have consulted "Galinee's Narrative, "The
History of the Catholic Church in the Niagara Peninsula",
by Dean Harris; "History of the Church in Niagara"
by Rev. P. J. Harold. I have also gathered authentic information
from a few of the pioneer residents of the town and from ancient
records of the parish. Imperfect and unpolished as this narrative
is presented to you, it is history. The old pioneers are fast
vanishing from our midst but the church of St. Vincent de Paul
crowned with the sign of our redemption will bear testimony to
their unselfish generosity and unwavering faith.
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